How to Pressure Wash a Garbage Can: A Comprehensive Guide

Maintaining a clean and odor-free garbage can is essential for a healthy and hygienic living environment. Pressure washing is an effective way to thoroughly clean and sanitize your garbage can, removing built-up grime, debris, and unpleasant smells. In this comprehensive guide, we’ll walk you through the step-by-step process of pressure washing a garbage can, ensuring a spotless and fresh-smelling result.

Prepare the Garbage Can

Before you begin the pressure washing process, it’s crucial to properly prepare the garbage can. Start by laying the can on the ground and opening the lid to prevent it from rolling around or spraying debris back at you. This will also allow for better access to the interior and exterior surfaces.

Next, remove any loose debris or items from the can. It’s essential to empty the can completely to ensure a thorough cleaning. This step will also help prevent the pressure washer from simply pushing the debris around, rather than effectively removing it.

Choose the Right Equipment

How to Pressure Wash a Garbage Can

Selecting the appropriate pressure washer and cleaning solution is key to achieving the best results when pressure washing a garbage can. Opt for a high-pressure washer with a minimum of 600 psi (pounds per square inch) and a wide nozzle, typically around 40 degrees. This combination will provide the necessary power and coverage to effectively clean the can.

For added flexibility and power, consider using a gas-powered pressure washer. These models often offer more horsepower and higher pressure capabilities compared to their electric counterparts, making them better suited for tackling tough cleaning tasks.

In addition to the pressure washer, you’ll need to attach a cleaning solution hose. For the most effective sanitizing, use a bleach-based cleaner. Bleach-based solutions are known for their ability to kill germs, bacteria, and eliminate odors, making them an ideal choice for cleaning garbage cans.

Clean the Garbage Can

With the garbage can prepared and the right equipment at hand, it’s time to begin the pressure washing process. Start by spraying the cleaning solution into the garbage can, making sure to cover all surfaces, both interior and exterior. Allow the solution to dwell for 5-10 minutes, giving it time to penetrate and break down any built-up grime or odors.

After the dwell time, use the pressure washer to thoroughly rinse the can. Ensure that all soap and debris are removed, leaving the can clean and sanitized. For best results, maintain a distance of approximately 6-12 inches from the surface of the can while pressure washing, and use a sweeping motion to cover the entire area.

Additional Tips and Techniques

If you encounter any stubborn areas or stains, consider using a scrub brush on a pole to agitate the surface and help remove the tougher buildup. This additional manual scrubbing can be particularly effective for areas that the pressure washer alone may not be able to fully clean.

Another option to enhance the cleaning power is to use a pump-up sprayer filled with a bleach-water solution and a bleach-safe soap. This combination can provide an extra layer of cleaning and disinfection, especially for the interior of the garbage can.

It’s important to always follow safety precautions when using a pressure washer. Wear appropriate personal protective equipment, such as safety glasses, gloves, and sturdy shoes, to protect yourself from the high-pressure spray. Maintain a safe distance from the spray and avoid directing the nozzle towards yourself or others.


By following this comprehensive guide, you can effectively pressure wash your garbage can, ensuring a clean, sanitized, and odor-free result. Remember to properly prepare the can, choose the right equipment, and follow the step-by-step cleaning process. With the additional tips and techniques, you can take your garbage can cleaning to the next level, creating a healthier and more pleasant living environment.

Pressure Washer Buying Guide
Bleach Safety and Usage
Proper Pressure Washer Technique

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